Saturday, November 10, 2012

When my heart speaks

In The Name of Allah The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful

It seem like a medicine
When you feel your heart cannot stand with all the sadness 
Everything you plan not goes smoothly
Just like a bomb
 waiting to explode
This is not we called run away from the problem
The problem is still there
And always be there
But I just need a space for my heart to rest
I just want my heart feel nothing
I won't feel happy
I just want a peace
I want my heart rest for a while   
Keep silent to everybody
I loss my appetite
Because I feel nothing
Nothing make me feel excited
Let it be like this for a while
I read a novel
Love story
Even the story not so realistic
It's okay 
Unless I can feel my heart easy and was so happy
I don't know why
But when I woke up from sleep
I feel so happy
And the mood was there for a day
I'm happy
Happy for nothing
But the feeling was so great
And I found it can be a good medicine for me

Thank you Allah
For your love and care
Always to me
Please give me a new heart
Let me to always LOVE YOU
Let me be, Allah.

Dear Heart,

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