Assalamualaikum wbt
Agak bersarang sungguh blog saye neh. adess nak wat cmne. bukan xde mase. tapi xde perasaan nak menulis pape pada blog ini lebih2 lagi after my phone broken down. huh. ( ade sesape yang baik hati lagi pemurah yang nak bagi enfon terlebey2 kamu itu pada saye? sila2.. ahakz..) adees.. neh bukan nak wat iklan murah k.
yeahh...Alhamdulillah now i'm in final sem to complete the degree in UTM..insya'Allah. saye juga doakan buat sahabat2 yang lain. i have to give my very best to my final sem.. chayok2!!~~V
i have to grab all the opportunity comes to me to prepare myself for the future life. the life out there is unexpected. i have to be prepared mentally & physically. if u looking for the job it's not easy as you expect as long as u prepared well & luck is always comes to u. but if u just depending on luck, i think you're not really feels satisfied even if you get the job. the demanding of the employer nowadays to take worker is to high. i have to fullfill their needs as such attribution of soft skills in every espect; team work, life long learning, leadership etc... achievement with high cgpa 4 flat it's does't meant anything to u if u are not being able to express the knowledge that u have especially in workplace as long as u works with machine...;p
my last sem here is so precious for me. i try to fill every minutes with the great activity that can give some benefits to me future. L.I.F.E is all about the learning process that u cannot get from the lesson in lecture hall. to know well bout L.I.F.E is by experiences. that's why your experiences are so precious! if you realize most interview of vacancy, they looking for the person who already had work experienced... by being the committee of club or run any programme in university will give a lot of benefit to u. seriously u will learn a lot of things immediately as long as u know to divide your time wisely....there is no meaning if u being a president of any society but u fail to manage your time wisely! As a student we have to realize the most responsible things to us right now is STUDY, STUDY & STUDY!
the process of learning u will be find the word of "FAIL", "FALL", "CRY", "SAD", "DISSAPOINTED". all these words will make our life more meaningful & BEAUTIFUL with the variety episode of your life. from there, u'll learn something even sometimes it's too hard to u. u have to feels grateful because u able to feel all these feeling and u have to be proud of urself because u able to face them well! all these feeling are just a part of our life. am i ryte?? if it's comes to u again dun afraid just face it and enjoy the feels. ;) ( i know it's not easy. Even how much i already face it, it's still being the things i afraid most..but when i through the L.I.F.E i found the reason y.. Allah know the best for us. then just FACE IT! yeahhh..;) ALLAHUAKBAR!
opening of my last sem i being a student in UTM, i participated in EEEP programme (Employment Enhancebility English Programme) organized by Al- Ikhlas Education Group. futhermore, this programme is under project of ISKANDAR MALAYSIA. one of my senior had tagged me about this programme in facebook. ( wah..facebook sangat! hahahaa...;p ). credit to her! thanx ya. during the programme, i learned a of things. i was grateful to Allah because give me this oppurtunity to join this programme. all the advisors there are really supportive even who you are. they try to motivate u to boost up ur confident level. from the person who really weak, cannot speak, not confident, afraid then being a someone better in short time. its absolutey amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME! everybody with confidently shows their ability and talent during talent night. even the english that we use "broken" english...so what???who care! AT LEAST WE TRY SO HARD TO SPEAK! yeahh... "practise makes perfect!" isya'Allah.
they also teach us to use the correct word and grammer. but seriously it's hard to me to speak to the correct grammer during conversation and even in writing.. im sorry mr. Ashok..hahhaaa........ outchhh...dowhh.... but i will improve by time goes by.. insya'Allah..i really mean it.. ;) i got a lot of friends there. i miss every moment with them especially during talent night. we had to prepare the performance in limited time for every night! we sing a song, dancing ( yeahh...even it's so ambarass me when i went back to utm! - TIK TOK song!), acting and etc.. they try to set in our mind that english is so interesting! yeah.. ALL OF YOU DID WELL!! thank you so much! I miss THEM so much!
then the continous lesson of english i joined toastmaster programme last week. 22-23th Jan 2010 at pandan city hotel. that's really great programme! All the advisors are really supportive and sporting! we had 3 task to complete. all are about PUBLIC SPEAKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! owh no! i want to scream! i hate PUBLIC SPEAKING! i'll gonna be blurr!! confirm blurr!! all the words out from my mouth are unstructural form! hate it! again i said I HATE IT SO MUCH! i've put a lot of effort but it's does't work.. i know Allah know the best for me.. i know everything happend has a reasons. that y i'm being there. to join, join, join...again, again, n again....there is no word regret in my life. i hope one day, Allah will give me the things that i want in my life... ;) yeah..risha, chayok2!!
after i heard the speech from gerald green, it's boost my confident level up. yeah.. i want to speak in front of them! i want to challenge myself! i want to challenge my fear! i want to challenge u, RISHA! yeah.. just go and do it! don't be afraid of what people perception of u! forget about it! they'r also seems like u! gonna be blurr and the butterfly fly in their stomoch too! stop to thinking to use the great words! just use the simply words as long people can understand u. that's great! just be urself! every people have their own strenght! so show who u r. dont be afraid. yeah!! my 1st task i presented my public speaking entitled "my self". huhuuhuuuu... i just do it. i try make it different than others by make different opening. it's work! i grab their attention! they laugh!! Alhamdulillah.. when i saw the rest performance, owh gosh! they're so great! i want to be like them too! thus i didnt expect that i able won the best speaker for the my 1st task!.. alhamdulillah! it's repeatedly boost my confident up! my 2nd task i delivered a speech entitled "my bestfriend". i put my emotion during deliver that topic! ...because i really passion of that topic and once again alhamdulillah..i can attract them! congratulate risha!! it's ok..just do it the best, insya'Allah 1 day people will notice ur effort of it! and my last task i talk bout "My Superhero"....i sang a song..~~ (somebody save me!!!!!!!!!!! tu je kowt yang rangkap yang saye tau nyanyi... hahahaa..) Alhamdulillah i can deliver in the time range given.. and at the end of the programme i learned a lot of things! i can feels the improvement of me. i know it's still not enough...but alhamdulillah.. i gave my very best..and i can see it's work! at the end of the proggrame i won 1 award but i dun know what it's actually.. bcoz i dun aspect that i'll win..thus i just go front to take the present from Glenn Koh, President of MIM TM Club of JB without know what's it.. yeah i got the book written by GERALD GREEN, 1st Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM)..SYUKUR! T.H.A.N.K Y.O.U ALLAH!!
Today i walked to my faculty. i saw a lot of poster of election already hangin at the walls, on the tree and every part that they can hangin their posters. the election campus already started. the orange republic ( pro-M) vS red republic ( eVo-M) fight together to win the place for next mpp utm. i remembered the last election..yeah..i being the one "calon" but unfortunately i lose it! but like i said before, Allah know the best for us.. ;) 1 of my friends asked me, "what side r u?"...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"undi anda adalah rahsia!" ;)
All the best to all the "calon2 pro-M and Evo-M!".
Let's it be my secret!
this week i have to start write my thesis. yeah..i think it's getting interesting after i understand a little bit bout the catalyst. one of my friends give me some advise after i sigh that i dun have a mood to write it. my friend said, i have to correct my "niat". if i really do because of Allah, i'll do my very best and there're no issues anymore. yeah..credit to u! thanx for remind me ya..next week i gonna have 2 test ; organic and ob(re-test!) and the same week our subject entrepeneurship 'll gonna have a entrepeneurship's day! every group have to participate and it'll gonna be our assessment! a day before it our group 'll gonna to do interview at the company that we already chosen. Do ur best risha!
there 'll be somethings that make me feels excited
"People also say "good luck!" to us,
but just luck is not enough.
it's all depend on us and U prove it!" -23/1/10
I wish to leave you with this prose as shared by 'Papa' Gerald Green :
You can love me but I must make me happy,
You can teach me but I must do the learning,
You can guide me but I will have to walk the path,
You can coach me but I must win the game,
You can even promote me but I will have to be successful,
You can pity me but I will have to bear the sorrow,
For the gift of love is not the food that feeds me,
it's the sunshine that nourishes what I must finally harvest for myself,
So if you love me ,
don't just sing me a song,
teach me to sing,
For when I'm alone,
I will need the melody.
You can love me but I must make me happy,
You can teach me but I must do the learning,
You can guide me but I will have to walk the path,
You can coach me but I must win the game,
You can even promote me but I will have to be successful,
You can pity me but I will have to bear the sorrow,
For the gift of love is not the food that feeds me,
it's the sunshine that nourishes what I must finally harvest for myself,
So if you love me ,
don't just sing me a song,
teach me to sing,
For when I'm alone,
I will need the melody.
cik Risha
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