huh. i can't imagine people called me "BALQIS" ( gilew perasan!) juz bcoz they said that i look like her! NO!!! hey..hey..hey.. you.you.you... seriously it's really different! erm.. balqis is 1 of the characters in the "CINTA BALQIS" film..the actor is eira syazira.
for the 1st time, zaki ( 1 of ma friends) called me balqis. he said that i looked like the actor. at that tyme i dun believed him. then, during the holiday, i went back to ma hometown at banting, i got msg from amir. he asked me either i had involved any film.. i knew he tried to make joke with me as usuall. i replied "nope. y?". he said, he saw someone in the television really similar like me! the face, the way she talk, she smile, she laugh, cry and her voice like me!". amir said, the diff btwn me and "balqis", im in cubby version , gelap cikit n wear veil. owh gosh! i chuckled because it's so funny..after that, pali said the similar thing! heyyy..guyz...wake up!
one day, i went to meranti to take my dinner with my beautiful najlaa and my lovely roomate, shikin. during i wait for my drinks at beverage corner, the "mak cik" ( cashier) called me "balqis". owh...dowh.. it's really funny..( hey u.. im not "perasan" k!). that are what people told me. and after that, my roomate keep it laughing at me and she repeatedly call me "balqis"!
the same thing happened to najlaa. she told to mama about that story, then i cant believed mama have same respons like others! i text to my friend bout this. he chuckled back to me.. he also think it's so funny..and looked like "i perasan sendiri!". after that, i got msg from him.. he said i really like "balqis" after he watched that movie!. owh k.. it's great..( meh cini ramai2 panggil saye balqis!). now i immuned with name of " balqis".
after finished my class, i went to SUB with najlaa to take my lunch. at that tyme there's some people give their manisfesto. most of them from Pro-M. ( saye sangat tekun dengar) ;). yeah today is last day for them to give their manifesto for election. after finished my lunch, i went to mosque and during my way to mosque, i heard someone called "balqis". then i try to find who's the person is.." haA..tyme ni memang gile perasan..becoz people always called me balqis, then i thought that was ma friend". i saw someone that i didnt know keep it call me balqis! again n again.. seriously at that time, (muke dah blushing!. neh bukan perasan. but malu sgt n xtahan nak gelak). i try to run away from him. "sha, najlaa mintak maAf..najlaa xdapat nak tahan gelak neh", najlaa giggled!. owh..seriously i was ashamed! now all people noticed to me n najlaa.. i try so hard to walk as fast s i can.. "muke awak cam balqis la"...ya..ya... so what!!! now u dah wat saye sangat malu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
owh please
so please
i beg to u
dun call me balqis
call me
*sekian terima kasih*
p/s: saje upload pic eira shazira to make sure smua nampak
terang, jelas lagi nyata ~~ izhar halqi, heh..
muke saye xsame langsung ngan "balqis"!
same bluek bluek same. same. sameeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. BALQIS!!!! bahhahahahhaha
ur lovely dovey roomate
hamboii roomate!!!!!!!!!
sebagai roomate, hang sepatutnya support rom8 hang neh..
adeeyyyyyy....mumbai dey..
ha...althougt x prnh layan cite cinta balqis 2 pown..tp bl tgk gmbr...haah, same..ha...
ha...same...although x prnh lyn pown cite cinta balqis 2..tp dr gmbr2 2, ada persamaan...
drparagonprodigy88: haaaaa...
apakah zali..sangatla tidak same.. sila.sila.sila kata tidak. please.please.please..;(
punya la nak kata sama, smpi aku post bnd yg sama 2 kali..ahakz..
tu namenye semangant sangat..
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