Sunday, March 10, 2013

Pending or Delivered?

In The Name of Allah The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful

Hi readers and bloggers

Pending or Delivered???? Yeah.. you decide. 

Some people said better we stay back.. better we just keep it to ourselves. Nanti dia akan marah if we tell them the truth.

1) If u decide to make the conversation pending like the situation I mentioned above, then please jangan cakap belakang. U decide not tellin the truth. What're you feeling.. and what they did is not rite. For me, it's not a problem and I respect your decision. But.. if u start "kutuk belakang".. yeah! This thing... really bad! I don't like how the way u handle this matter. This is not fair to the other side (the person yang you kutuk belakang tu)..because  a)they never knew what they did is wrong, b) because they don't have an opportunity 
to defend themselves, 3) u make people look bad that person... Owh, worse eva!

2) If u decide to tell them the truth.. (Yeah, that's cool) you should learn how u want to deliver your message in proper way. (Do not put "emotion-look anger,  fierce face, your voice projection can tell what's are u feeling)- please control this (even feel wanna killin them badly). Say it nicely and surely they'll listen to you. Try to understand their problem.. " I understand if u....u'll...., hmmm how about...if u..(nah, now you can start to deliver your message). insya'Allah by doin this way, 1) u can deliver the message successfully, 2) u won't hurt them, 3) maintain your relationship, 4) insya'Allah they'll listen to you and 5) you look matured and looks more "human" to handle a problem. Yeah.. you really look cool beb!

For me, conflict start initiate when you fail to deliver a message.. that's why we always heard "owhh.. this is just misunderstanding between us...=.=". 

This conflict we can control it by control how the way we communicate with others. As the best creation in this world, and Allah bless us with brain, I'm really sure you can do better! 

Let's start to avoid "pending" message to people..
Then, you'll live happily with "zero conflict" in your life. 

Yang tetiba ada idea nak tulis,

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