Sunday, June 20, 2010

happy birthday

This entry I dedicated to someone who sacrifices to raise me up. She is my aunt. Sulastri binti Ahmad Rani. Happy birthday Wak! I love you so much. There is no word to express how much I love you. Thank you for everything you have done to me! You are really mean to me! All praises to Allah to send you to me. With gentle and care you teach me to be a better person. I’m sorry for everything that hurting you and make you feels disappointed on me. You are such a good mum to me. I wish you will get someone who really can take care to yourself. I want you to know you are a part of me. Who am I now, is because Allah send you to me. thanx wak!

Psssstt: happy birthday to whom was born on this month:

18/06/2010: Nur Darwani Supian ~ my lovely cousin~

21/06/2010: Sulastri Ahmad Rani ~ You are a part of me~

with hugs and kisses,

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