Wednesday, March 31, 2010


harus lebih kuat mental dan physical. Allahuakbar! duhai hati ini, bersabarlah sayang~~ habis je present my final project, balik je bilik~~~TAHNIAH charger laptop yang baru sahaja dibeli tak sampai 2 minggu TELAH ROSAK!!! pada keseokan harinya QALBY menemani saya pergi kedai computer tempat saye beli charger tu. guarantee pon 3 bulan.. so bley la pegi. ni baru 2 minggu beli dah rosak neh. pe citer??? bile pegi kat kedai tu, owner kedai tu cakap lagi 3 MINGGU lagi baru boleh dapat balik... ERKK....3MINGGU LAGI?????????????????? adess.. saye nak gune waktu sekarang maa... suke suki je! dah r poket makin kering.. duit thesis- ( format laptop+ charger laptop)=@#$%^&$#@.... siyes NAK MENANGIS! bukan nak lagi..TAPI DAH MENANGIS DAH DALAM HATI NI!!!

seriously, tyme camni la sangat2 perlu untuk pujuk sang hati! sabar sayang~~~~ ALLAH did not promise that life would be easy,but HE did promise to go with you..every step of your life,with HIM by your side.. yup ALLAH always be with me! for everytime i breath i can feel U always be with me. Allah sayang saye. Allah takkan biarkan saye sentiasa dalam keadaan selesa sentiasa sebab tu Allah uji saye. Ya Allah, redhakanlah hati ini untuk sentiasa redha akan ujianMu ini. aku takut tewas. insya'Allah.. saye mampu! Allah knows the best! Allahuakbar!

terima kasih to kembar meow2.. eheh.. thanx bagi pinjam charger laptop for a while. thank to ana, wani, roomate coz paham keadaan saye. k. now nak wat assignment OB and COMPANY PROFILE.

everyone have their own problem. the most important things how u tackle ur problem. ape la sangat ngan ujian ni. dalam dunia ni ade lagi yang terima ujian lebih daripada ni. KEEP TO THINK POSITIVE + MAKE EVERYTHING EASY= INSYA'ALLAH ALLAH akan permudahkan.

nikmati setiap detik ini
pelajari setiap pengajaran

buat ayahku,

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

demam PSM


akhirnya demam psm a.k.a projek sarjana muda..dah selesai. even xbape nk selesai lagi ngan pembetulan thesis pasni.. but after present my project i feel so relief.. alhamdulillah Ya Allah. i think i was gave my very best for my presentation and i try to answer all the question even thought some of my answer are not answer the question given by the evaluator..

ayook..baru tahu prof. heli salah sorang yang evaluate saye. Subhanallah.. patutlah prof heli sangat semangat tanya soalan kat saye.. adessss... tenkiu..beribu2 tenkiu buat Allah coz kurniakan saye sahabat2 yang baik.. terima kasih wat (geng lab: syasha, shagy, moon, oii) (master student: abg asyraf, kak ikin, kak ct, abg raizul, kak shila) (my lovely girl: ana, shikin, wani, wani H) & thanx to semua yang banyak bantu saye! sangat x dilupakan my lovely family, ibu, ayah, my beloved grandma: mak, wak, and my siblings. thank atas doak2 kalian! Alhamdulillah.. syukur padaMU Ya Allah...

siyesss lega sangat2222..sangat2 xterkata.. papepon..chayok2 wat my lovely roomate n my lab mate oii yang akan present final projectnya pkl 4.. tahniah wat ana.. sangat ana present! sha admirer sangat! tahniah.. tahniah gak wat my lovely lab mate, shagy n syasha: siyes korang present sangat best! chayok2!!!!! to all my girlsssss: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

my final exam yang berderet sedang menunggu
di samping assignment yang xsabar2 minta disiapkan..
yeay.. minggu depan
my P5 toastmaster project..
psss:// glenn, please give me the edited text ngan segera..eheh.. Im gonna be give a speech entitled

hahaaa...RAHSIA la...

sesungguhnya Allah melihat usahamu itu sayang..;)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

P4: When The Moon Falls In Love

Title of speech :When The Moon Falls In Love

Many of you have fallen in love before !!! (pause, look around )

Owh…gosh ! Can you imagine when the MOON falls in love ???

Thank you the Toastmaster of the evening

Fellow toastmasters and welcomed guests, a very good evening to all of you.This evening I would like to share with you : When The Moon Falls In Love…………..

The lyric from Yasmin Ahmad’s song that I love the most. It goes like this;

" If the Moon can linger in the morning so bright, why can’t the Sun do the same at night? "

For me, I always think, the sun symbolises the male, as it portrays the Masculine features of strong, bright but sometimes could be very weak. The moon on the other hand symbolises as a female, with endless beauty, very calm to look at but could be very lonely. They made very good and perfect couple, like it was destined from heaven.

Have you ever thought that the Sun and the Moon are actually lovers?

Why not?

I mean, because the sun and moon are just like Adam and Eve. Without the sun, the moon would not exist, as we know, it only reflect the light from the sun. Human’s Love blossoms from loyalty but can be full of cheat, unfaithfulness and bitterness to each other. But the Sun and the Moon always loyal to each other from the beginning of time up till now. Their love just never fades away like our love. That is the true power of Love.

Sadly, the Sun and the Moon live in separation. Never be able to live together like we do. No matter how strong their love is, they are not destined to be together in their lifetime. The Sun will appear on the day to shine on the mankind but the Moon can only appear in the night to entertain the heartbroken ones. One day the Moon said to the Sun;

“Oh my love, you shine on humans and made them happy for the rest of the day, and I will entertain them and give them a sense of peace and happiness in the night but truly I feels so lonely. When we will be able to hold hands like human do?”

And so the Sun replied;

“Oh my Dear, I’m not trying to shine on them, but rather I’m shining my love on you so you are not lonely. My light will make you glows beautifully and make every eyes of the girls filled with jealousy. Now We MAY live apart but I will always shine my love for you forever in this earth until The Lord Almighty brings us together in the Heaven.”

The Moon satisfied with the answer but never contented with it. One day, the Moon thought to herself, I must be strong in order to be together with the sun. From today on, I will stay behind till noon to show my love to the sun even my glow of beauty does not remain the same as the night. Even both of them, appear on the same morning, but they can only look at each other from a distance. Cannot hold each other’s hands. Even so, The Moon is very happy because they got to see each other but sadly for The Sun, he can only see the pale face of The Moon staring at him. So the sun asked the Moon;

"Oh my Love, why do you look so pale and sad?"

The Moon replied;

“Oh my love, I’m sad because I can’t be with you, and I’m pale because you are shining so brightly at me. You showered me with your love but it has caused me so much pain. Just imagine if I’m not with you, my love.”

The Sun is confused so he asked the Moon;

“Oh my Love, do you want me to reduce my love for you so that you can light up the morning sky with your glow and smile?”

Listening to that, the Moon said quickly;

"Oh my Love, Never Never... If you don’t shine your love on me, then I will forever be in the dark even at night, and the scars on me will never heal.”

So the Sun and the Moon continue to live apart like that. They got to see each other every morning and then they’ll be separated again. So the Moon is becoming greedier. She longs for the Sun every moment and watching him from a far every morning is not enough anymore.

So, the Moon asked the Sun again;

"Oh my Love, If I can linger in the morning so bright, why can't you do the same at night? If you are present at night, I can always show you my beauty."

Hearing to the question, the Sun becomes clueless and don’t have the answer himself. He also wonders why he can’t shine at night. Then he replied,

"Oh my dear, have you forgotten the Words of the Mighty Creator of this world?"

She realized that she could not go against the rules of creation. The God has made their destiny as such. She cried and asked for the forgiveness from the Lord Almighty. She realizes that she could never be together with her beloved…The Sun.

“Oh My Love, there will be time when we will be together. Please be patient”, the Sun said.

So the Moon and the Sun has been waiting until the Lord Almighty granting their wishes to be in each other arms.

The Sun and The Moon’s love is a very tragic love. Loving each other but never able to be together. There’s always that kind of love in this life that will never be able to be together in this world and surely God will grant your wishes in the Heaven. Fate is in the Hand of God and Destiny is God’s blessing for his servants. There will be the time when your love will be realized.

For the love that is never to be realized in this world, I’m praying to God to give us the strength to be patient until the love comes to realize in the Paradise, where it’s full of Happiness. Just wait as the Sun and the Moon has been waiting for each other from the beginning of the world until the End of the World. Whenever you are tired of waiting, think of how long the Sun and the Moon have been waiting for each other..


Dear TM Risha,

A very interesting speech I must say. Well done.

I have reconstructed some of the sentences with little amendment to the story line.

Please rehearse and deliver within the 5 to 7 minutes.

Sorry for the delay as was caught up with many CNY events.

All the best and looking foreward to see you in action on Tuesday.

Victor Lim ATM (B)

ku berlari...

Ku berlari sekuat hatiku. Semakin aku berlari meninggalkan tempat itu semakinkuat hati ini ingin kembali mengintai tempat itu kembali. Aku keletihan. Hanya kata- kata semangat dan janji telah dilafazkan membulatkan tekadku kuat meneruskan perjuangan. Andai mungkin sekarang ini aku hanya mampu berjalan setelah sekian lama aku berlari , namun akubersyukur kerna aku masih lagi mempu meneruskan perjalanan hidupku ini. Bayangan itu melambai- lambai memanggil namaku. Semakin aku berlari, semakin kuat terdengar namaku dipanggil.

Duniaku kosong. Seperti hidup di dalam sebuah kotak. Teraba- raba aku mencari cahaya namun masih belum kutemui. Dulu aku punyai rumah, namun rumah itu tidak punyai seri. Aku tercari- cari dimanakah aku ingin dapatkan seri itu. Rupanya seri itu hanya aku akan dapati jika aku dapat meninggalkan rumah yang aku diami itu. Untuk meninggalkan rumah itu aku perlukan semangat yang kuat. Kerna dialah peneman diriku selama ini. Aku dalam dilema. Tidak semua yang memahami diriku ini. Aku tidak mengharapkan pemahaman manusia. Kerna pemahaman mereka selalu dipenuhi dengan hasutan syaitan. Penuh dengan kebencian, lirikan mata yang tidak menyenangkan dan kata- kata yang menyakitkan.

Aku dipersimpangan antara dua jalan. Samada aku kembali semula kepada rumah yang lama, atau meneruskan perjalanan ku ini. Masih ternginang kata- seorang sahabat. “Andai benar perjuangan kita kerana Allah, buktikan “. Aku bangun semula dengan kata- kata itu. Aku lalui segala duri dan belati dihadapanku. Sakit! Pedih! Terlalu sakit!!!! Terlalu banyak luka dan parut ditubuhku. Sumpah, terlalu sakit!!! “Ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu ini. Aku mohon kau ubati kesakitanku ini. Andai kesakitanku ini penghapus dosa- dosaku yang lampau, KAU kuatkanlah hatiku ini untuk menhadapai ujian-Mu ini!”.

Dia tersenyum sinis padaku. Mengapa harus aku yang dipilih untuk menghadapi dugaan ini. Mungkin coretanku ini akan dibaca oleh dirimu, aku tidak seperti dulu lagi. AKU BUKAN LAGI AKU YANG DULU.

"i never be the same if we meet again."

psss: kemas2 folder dlm my lappy, i found diz..
dah lame dah tulis. tp xpnh nak post..
Risha, semangat!
all the best for VIVA..