Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dude, I'm sorry..

In The Name of Allah The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful

Dear People,

I'm sorry. I'm not perfect at all. I'm still human being which sometimes I admit I can't help my self for being "judges" to those people who come across my mind. 

I know and I realized this is not right. 

Dear Allah, 
Please forgive what I have done.

And Dear you. you. you.
I'm sorry!

Sometimes I can't control my emotion when I frequently heard something annoying me!
For example, 
1) I meet a people who behave that they knows everything..and give their opinion....bla..bla..and start babbling! "owhh.. soooo annoying!"

2) Honestly, I'm nor good at all but I do hate people love to teach me what supposedly I do in IMPROPER WAY!. I repeat again in IMPROPER WAY! Please be nice with me + respect and concern my feeling with your words! Not even with me but please be nice to others too! Treat them properly and if you highly in "excited state" to give your advice, please..please. and always please give it properly!

3) and I can't tolerate with people who loves jeer me. Pity of you, because I can't help my self to HURT you too. I know I should be so bersabar.. yeah that's the first step I'll do. But if same person keep doing it..dear you, I'm sorry! You should know that you're hurt me and I'll show it to you!

4) sometimes this "annoying things" not happen to me, but it happen to people who I care, people who loves me and I love them too.. "I'm sorry, if you'll find me being so "jerk" to you!"

Note to readers:
# I my self, would like to ask an apology if I did the same things to you, people. Sometimes, I won't realized if I'm being so annoyed. I do so sorry and please forgive me and from now onward and with Allah's will I'll try be nice to other people, because I love people do the same things to me. "What goes around, comes around". It's good reminder to me. 

#If you want to give an advice, I welcome it, but make sure you do it properly. If you want me to learn something, softly touch my heart, then I'll fallin love with you, you get my respect and I'll follow you.

Thank you for spent your time to read this entry,

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ask me first!

In The Name of Allah The Most Gracious and The Most  Merciful

Dear people,

Don't simply decide something for me without ask my permission first! 
Please be nice everyone. 
Thank you.

Sincerely from me,

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Ooo maii. takmo urut lagi!

In The Name of Allah The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful 

Duuu u u uuu ...Duuu u u uu.. (Sila banyangkan ringtone Maroon 5-One more night.)...
Handphone ku berbunyi..

Ku lihat nama kak rohaya tertera di skrin handphone ku.

"Assalamualaikum akak."
"Waalaikumussalam. Dik, rumah awak dekat area mane? Alamat".
"Ooo kejap ye kak", aku memberi butiran alamat rumah sewa ku.. 

30 minit kemudian baru kak rohaya tiba di rumahku. (ahaa.. memang betul- betul sesat akak ni..).

Setibanya di rumah ku.

"Sape yang nak berurut ni???" Tanya kak rohaya.
"Akak, saya la yang nak berurut ni".
"Apa masalahnya?" Tanya akak lagi..
"Erm. saya pun tak pasti kak. Mula- mula Dr detect saya ada cyst. Then pergi HSA, the gynecology specialist scan takde pulak.. Then he suspect mungkin saya ada endometriosis. Sebab saya sakit all the time. Sampai pinggang saya sakit sangat. Tapi tak boleh nak confirmkan.. sebab Dr tak boleh ambil sample cell rahim saya memandangkan saya tak kahwin lagi.  Mase pinggang saya sakit sangat tu, saya pergi ke pusat kesihatan UTM sekali lagi. Then nurse yang nak bagi suntikan tu try urut saya. Dia plak cakap mungkin rahim saya jatuh because ada 1 kes sebelum ni macam kes saya. Sebab tu saya nak akak tolong urutkan. Sebab akak expert bab- bab urut ni", terangku panjang lebar.

Kemudian dia mintak aku bersedia untuk diurut. Urutan dimulakan... dan aku.....
"Aaaaaaaaaa sakit kak! Sakitttttttt.." sob.sob.sob.. Akak tu buat tak dengar. ;(
Aku dah start menggelupur kesakitan. Seriously tangan dia macam besi. 
"Akak masuk silat ke??", Aku cuba berlawak....
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaa............sakit!!!sakit!!! akaakkkkkk!!" ahaaa... lawak aku tak di layan dan tak membantu langsung.
Bisa. Sakit. Geli. andddd i dunno how to explain
Dah macam orang gila da. Sekejap menjerit sakit... termengah- mengah tahan rasa sakit.. belum habis nak tarik nafas.. geli.......menjerit- jerit terkekeh- kekeh.. sambil muka berkerut- kerut.. Air mata dahh lame terembes keluar!

"Akak, takde level lebih rendah ke???" Aku mencuba nasib sekali lagi..
"Adik, ni level paling rendah akak urut ni". Gulp!
"Akak, bersalin nanti macam ni ke urutnya??"
"Ye la." Oooo maiiii!!!!! Dua tiga kali aku telan air liur! Ngerinya..

"Adik ni banyak sangat angin kat badan...Urat dah keras ni.. mesti selalu stay up kat laptop..dan lagi...lagi..".
Ahaa.. aku dengar je.. It can't help me dari tak rase sakit ni!!!! Cakap la ape pon!"

"Ok dik, akak nak urut perut ni.. kaki angkat naik atas, bila akak tolak, awak tarik nafas k". Akak memberi penerangan apa yang perlu aku lakukan..

Bila akak start mengurut perutku...
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. tolong!!! Sakit.. Bersungguh- sungguh aku menjerit sambil air mata dah menjejeh." Tapi akak tetap teruskan mengurut.
"Ok dik. Tarik nafas..........akak nak tolak ni".
Aku cuba tarik nafas dan.....................dang! Rase nak mati! (Aku tak tau feeling mati tu macam mane. But seriously double triple sakit!). Aku menjerit dah macam ape entah!
Tiba-tiba aku dengar akak tergelak.. 
"Adik.. adik.. nanti apa lah orang ingat akak buat kat kamu ni.. Macam mane nak urut bersalin ni???" akak komen sambil geleng kepala.
hahaha.. Entah! aku tak nak fikir lagi!
"Ok.. Akak nak tolak sekali lagi ni.."
"Copp...Akak...Coppp!!! Tunggu kejap! Bagi saya sedia dulu..". Aku tarik nafas dalam- dalam.. cuba tenangkan diri aku.. "Ok risha.. ni tak sakit.. rasa ni sedap sangat. Orang- orang dekat gaza tu lagi sakit kene bom.(Hahaha.. tetibe terfikir macam ni!)." Aku cuba phys co diriku sendiri..
"Ok kak. Saya ready...".Alahai.. nervous nya!
"Ok.. Tarik nafas...". Dan akak pun menolak perutku arah atas.."...Argghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. Allah!!!" Menangis lagi! ;(
Kemudian akak mula mengurut kepala, bahu.. Sakit. Tapi tak sesakit urutan di perut ku..
"Ok dik. Dah siap!"

Fuhhhh.. Alhamdulillah. Lega hati aku.. dan aku... argghhhhh macam orang minyak da! Muka- muka aku sekali penuh dengan minyak!.

"Akak, betul ke rahim saya jatuh?"
"Nak kata jatuh tu takde la sangat.. tapi senget sikit".. Ahaaa. ehemm menarik! Aku tersenyum kecil. Hebat.. senget sikit pon tahu..
"..dan aku cuba rasa kowt- kowt ade ketumbuhan.. takde". Alhamdulillah.. ni la yang aku tunggu- tunggu. Syukur..(Terharu.. Thank Allah..sob.sob..). Wahh. cita-cita nak dapat baby ramai.. insya'Allah tercapai.. tapii.. nanti.. kene urut macam ni lagi....Dang! Ok. Dah! Tak nak fikir sekarang!
"Akak, saya rase sakitnye ni macam orang bersalin plak ". Tetiba aku komen rasa sakit yang aku rasa.
"hahaaa.. haah. akak tengok kamu ni memang macam orang nak bersalin da. Macam hape je akak tengok kamu menggelupur tu."Alahai... hilang kecomelan.kejelitaan aku!Jemm u!

Akak memberi beberapa nasihat dan perkara yang aku kene continuously buat. Makanan apa yang boleh dan tak boleh. 

Setelah bersalam- salaman dengan akak..."Terima kasih kak!"

Jebusssss.... Mandi!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Note: I tried my best to do anything I can do and yang lain ku serahkan pada-Nya. Allah knows the best for me. Yeah! Allah, I trust on YOU! Allahuakbar!

I tried my best, 

Sunday, January 6, 2013


In The Name of Allah The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful

Dear Mr Korean Hybrid Vampire + Werewolf  a.k.a Hilman Abdullah (name hero dalam novel "akusukadia" tu Hilman Yong tapi yang ini saya tukar kepada abdullah)-Suke ati je nak bagi nama orang...(grrrr..=.="), 

Nak bagi satu lagu ni. 
Macam kene je. :)


The sun is filling up the room
And I can hear you dreaming
Do you feel the way I do right now?
I wish we would just give up
Cause the best part is falling
Call it anything but love

And I will make sure to keep my distance
Say "I love you" when you're not listening
How long can we keep this up, up, up?

And please don't stand close to me
I'm having trouble breathing
I'm afraid of what you'll see right now
I give you everything I am
All my broken heart beats
Until I know you understand

And I will make sure to keep my distance
Say "I love you" when you're not listening
How long can we keep this up, up, up?

And I keep waiting
For you to take me
You keep waiting
To save what we have

So I'll make sure to keep my distance
Say "I love you" when you're not listening
How long can we keep this up, up, up?

Make sure to keep my distance
Say "I love you" when you're not listening
How long till we call this love, love, love?

Thank you for made my day :),